Što je SEERC?


Temeljem zajedničkog interesa i ranije neformalne suradnje, Nacionalni komiteti CIGRÉ Austrije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Grčke, Mađarske, Italije, Makedonije, Crne Gore, Rumunjske, Srbije, Slovenije i Ukrajine donijeli su odluku o osnivanju novog, regionalnog vijeća CIGRÉ koje će djelovati pod imenom Regionalni komitet CIGRÉ za Jugoistočnu Europu (SEERC). Regionalni savjet je formiran u skladu sa Statutom CIGRÉ, a službeno je ga priznao Administrativni savjet CIGRÉ na sastanku u rujnu 2013. godine u Kazanu (Rusija).

Ciljevi SEERC-a su:

  • Jačanje važnosti pojedinačnih nacionalnih komiteta u regiji;
  • Povećanje aktivnosti CIGRÉ u proširenom geografskom kontekstu i jačanje interakcije između stručnjaka iz država regije;
  • Promoviranje aktivnosti (znanstvenih skupova, tribina i sl.) uz izlaganje manjim financijskim rizicima i s većom posjećenošću u odnosu na one koje su rezultat djelovanja pojedinačnih nacionalnih komiteta;
  • Promoviranje ideje i podrška razvoju novih nacionalnih komiteta u regiji;
  • Poticanje novih regionalnih aktivnosti u korelaciji s novom energetskom politikom i velikim regionalnim energetskim projektima.

CIGRE as one of the world oldest international technical organization has a great tradition in Region of Central and South East of Europe. Many Countries have developed CIGRE National Committees as central hub for exchanges information and upgrading knowledge of electric power systems as well as supporting creation of a new standards and recommendations for Power System.  SEERC will try to expand positive aspects of CIGRE in SEE Region. South East European Region comprises more than 200 million of population and has a great potential for faster development in Power engineering sector. SEERC as regional branch of worldwide organization for large electric power systems could be a great technical support. Energy and knowledge are crucial parameters for faster development in today fast changing world. Cooperation of members of SEERC means better possibilities for development of future Power network and equipment. SEERC representatives stressed the possible themes of common interest between NC CIGRE in region are:

  • Planning and development issues particularly large investments as undersea AC and DC cables across the Adriatic sea as well as Mediterranean (linking Italy, Greece, Montenegro, Malta, Croatia, Albania, offshore wind parks, etc.),
  • Modernization of network, implementation of intelligent technologies in power systems, refurbishment of existing power system,
  • Asset management issues considering regional particularities,
  • South-eastern European electricity market designing, specific regional issues,
  • Mutual supports and cooperation in the field of new technical standards,
  • New European energy orientation towards sustainable developments,regional issues, solar & wind technologies, smart grids,
  • Assessments of Environmental solutions (legal issues, EMF harmonization, aesthetic solutions, sustainable innovative technology solutions),
  • Dissemination of knowledgefrom other advanced regions,
  • Innovative forums in region using intellectual potentials in SEE.

These themes will be extended in accordance with further needs.

The arguments for establishing SEERC and increases of CIGRE cooperation are obviously potential benefits for SEE members through strengthening of positionin mother organization of CIGRE.  Stronger position in the Administrative and Steering committees should contribute in making decision processes regarding participation of exerts in Technical Committee as well as for future technical events.




Memorandum o razumijevanju

Sastanci SEERC Management Bord

Beograd, 06.11.2014.