Cavtat/Croatia, November 12. – 14. 2009.
Ovo je zaštićeni dio stranice. Pristup ovoj stranici dozvoljen je samo članovima HRO CIGRÉ. Molimo vas da upišete Vaše korisničko ime i Vašu lozinku.
Dear participants of Colloquium,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee I am pleased to invite you to the 5th International Colloquium on “Transformer Research and Asset Management” to be held in Opatija, Croatia, from October 9 to 12, 2019. The Colloquium has been supported by CIGRÉ National Committee of Croatia with CIGRÉ Study Committee A2 – Transformers, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb and the Centre of Excellence for Transformers in Zagreb
All of us, in organizing committee, are really proud that this international conference and exhibition is recognized as an event of great interest for researchers and scientists from all over the world. Based on previous tradition, colloquium has become a forum through which progress in research and technology development is reported globally.
Traditionally chosen topics will offer new answers to R&D and technology trends as well as to Transformer Maintenance Life Cycle:
1. Numerical Modelling
2. Materials, Components and New Technologies
3. Transformer Life Management
Giving opportunity to authors and world’s experts to discuss advances in calculation of coupled fields and transients, numerical modelling in design, properties and behaviours of insulating and magnetic materials and components, digitalization and smart grid, in-service experience, failures, diagnostics, monitoring, asset management and resilience are definitely of the great importance for both manufactures and users.
We would like to express special thanks to Mr. B. Jurišić et al., Mr. M. Lashbrook et al. and Mr. T. Auronen et al. whose invited papers will facilitate better understanding of specific transformer phenomena.
We also believe that tutorials “ Moisture Measurements in Insulating Fluids and Transformer Insulation – an Evaluation of Solid State Sensors and Chemical Methods” by Mme Ivana Atanasova-Hoehlein and Mr. Tim Gradnik , “Transformer Post-Mortem Analysis” by Mr. Andrew Fieldsend-Roxborough and “Condition Assessment of Power Transformer” by Mr. Brian Sparling will be support for user regarding transformer specification, design review and life-cycle management.
Oral and poster presentation of 54 accepted paper are a magnificent occasion for the scientific and competent technical discussions where the participants will have the opportunity to network and develop their own contacts as well as to present their latest work in the in the areas of distribution, power and instrument transformers.
We also wish to thank our sponsors as well as our exhibitors, which include top transformer and transformer components manufactures in the world.
Finally, the organizers are also grateful to the Technical Committee who invested great effort to review the papers and prepare them for publishing.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Opatija, Croatia from October 9 to 12, 2019.
Yours faithfully,
Miroslav Poljak, PhD
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
MIROSLAV POLJAK (mpoljak@koncar–, Chairman
ANTUN MIKULECKY (amikul@koncar–
BOŽIDAR FILIPOVIĆ–GRČIĆ (bozidar.filipovic–
IRENA TOMIŠA (itomisa@hro–
Željko Štih (Chairman, Croatia)
Zoran Anđelić (Switzerland)
Max Babuder (Slovenia)
Oszkar Biro (Austria)
Gusztav Csepes (Hungary)
Willibald Felber (Austria)
Zdenko Godec (Croatia)
Stanislaw Gubanski (Sweden)
Thomas Hammer (Germany)
Adolf Kachler (Germany)
S. V. Kulkarni (India)
Konrad Lenasi (Slovenia)
Elzbieta Lesniewska (Poland)
Zlatko Maljković (Croatia)
Antun Mikulecky (Croatia)
Miloš Milanković (Serbia)
Ugo Piovan (Italy)
Dubravko Sabolić (Croatia)
Ivan Sitar (Croatia)
Kemo Sokolija (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Zvonimir Valković (Croatia)
Slavomir Wiak (Poland)
Davor Zvizdić (Croatia)
KONČAR – Golden Sponsor
SIEMENS – Silver Sponsor
Numerical Modelling
– electromagnetic field
– coupled fields
– transients
– numerical modelling in design, etc.
Materials, Components and New Technologies
– insulating material
– magnetic material
– transformer components
– transformer new technologies, etc.
Transformer Life Management
– monitoring
– diagnostics
– failures
– asset management, etc.
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